Relevant Characteristics for Elderly Patient Biopsicosocial Care in General Medicine

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Jose Luis Turabian

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Published: 2 April 2019 | Article Type :


Life expectancy has been increasing progressively. Elderly are the age group that most uses health resources. These patients differ from younger patients in many aspects, and this modifies the process of diagnostic, treatment decision and the expectations of therapy. A series of characteristics of the elderly patient can be described, which are relevant to understand and sustain from them, the GP’s health care with this type of patient: 1. Elderly is a frail patient; 2. Integrated vision; 3. Multidimensional evaluation of the opportune intervention approach and knowledge of the psychological dynamics; 4. The disease or diseases of the elderly are usually chronic; 5. Symptoms and their expression in the elderly; 6. Diagnostic category sometimes seems to prevail over other needs and erroneously guides care and doctor-patient relationship; 7. GP must maintain a longitudinal view and take into account the history and personal experience of each elderly patient; 8. Therapeutic intervention must focus not on the complete remission of the symptom, but on the maintenance of a level of autonomy with sufficient quality; 9. Elderly patient presents multimorbidity and frequently polypharmacy; 10. Multidisciplinarity and teamwork are fundamental; 11. Elderly patient-centered care; 12. The family is the fundamental element of the social support and the care of the elderly. General practitioner should prepare for an increasing number of older patients, and consequently they have to develop a better understanding of this population, as well as improve the level of care to them. The role of GPs in the care of the elderly patient should focus on promoting healthy aging, and avoiding physical and functional deterioration.

Keywords: Elderly, General Practice, Framework, Physician-patient communication, Sanitary Attention, Consultation, biopsychosocial.

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How to Cite


Jose Luis Turabian. (2019-04-02). "Relevant Characteristics for Elderly Patient Biopsicosocial Care in General Medicine." *Volume 2*, 1, 48-55